Noni and Energy Levels

Medical Causes of Energy Loss:

A desire for more energy is one of the most common requests heard in doctor’s offices today. Lack of energy can be defined as exhaustion, weariness, sleepiness, fatigue, drowsiness of lethargy. We all feel like this from time to time, but sustained and on-going lack of energy is usually our bodies’ first warning that something is not right. Lack of energy is not a disease – it’s a symptom.
Energy loss can occur for a variety of reasons. The quality of the fuel we put into our body is the most obvious cause, but a variety of other factors may be the cause of, or else contribute to, a lack of energy. Short-term factors in our life contributing to a lack of energy could include having a cold or flu, pregnancy, glandular fever, pre-menstrual tension, migraine or an infection.
More long-term or severe contributors to a lack of energy could include anemia, insomnia, under or over active thyroid, diabetes, malnutrition or anorexia, auto-immune disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, hypertension, cancer or hormonal imbalance (often brought about by poor diet). Often drugs subscribed to treat a medical condition are the cause of lack of energy.

How our Body Produces Energy:

The thyroid and adrenal glands are the most important energy-producing glands in the body. Cortisol and cortisone, produced by the adrenals, convert stored fats and starch to glucose. This supplies the ‘fuel’ to produce energy within the body cells. Thyroid hormone is like the spark plug that ignites the fuel. If the adrenal and thyroid glands are under active or otherwise not functioning properly, energy levels decline.
Hair mineral analyses on over 400,000 people reveal that the thyroid and adrenal glands are under active in about 80% of adults today. Is it any wonder that many people feel tired?
Those with sluggish adrenal and thyroid activity are called slow oxidizers. They are not oxidizing or burning their food at an adequate rate. An opposite condition can cause fatigue as well. Some people who are tired are fast oxidizers. Their thyroid and adrenal gland activity is excessive. Like a bicyclist pedaling too fast, these individuals use energy inefficiently and become tired. They may have excellent energy for a time, and then suddenly become exhausted.

Processed & Fatty Foods – How do They Effect Energy Levels?

The simple answer is – if it’s in a packet, don’t eat it!
It takes 50% of our energy to digest a meal of fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. If our meal consists of cooked and processed foods, our body will direct about 80% of its energy toward digestion. Heavy meals, with fat and sugar, can take up to fourteen hours to digest, forcing our body to work all through the night and early hours of the morning. No wonder we’re not full of energy after a night’s sleep.
If we eat more raw fruits and vegetables and less fat and sugar we can regain some of that lost energy. Overeating is a double attack on the body’s limited resources of energy. Not only does it cause the body to work overtime digesting food, but the extra weight that we have to carry throughout the day saps even more energy.

How Do We Increase Energy Levels?

The benefits of any exercise, be it walking to work or climbing stairs, are too numerous to ignore. Exercise creates energy, improves our physical and mental health, and builds self-discipline and self-esteem.
Good posture and proper breathing are key elements in maximizing energy. If we do not sit properly, we do not breathe properly. Shallow, “chest breathing” can reduce our oxygen intake by up to 33%. We need to use our diaphragm when we breathe. That is, our stomach should go out when we inhale and in when we exhale. Proper breathing increases energy. A daily deep breathing or meditative exercise is an excellent way to reduce stress and increase energy.
Our body is mostly made of water. We need plenty of it to preserve our energy. Not all liquids are helpful. Coffee and alcohol, for example, are diuretics. That is, they cause us to lose more fluids than we gain. Many of the problems we experience, such as headaches, are caused by dehydration. Regularly drinking water throughout the day will maintain optimum well-being and energy.

How Does Taking Noni Increase Energy Levels?

For many years now we have been using chemical fertilizers to increase the abundance of our crops, and chemical sprays to keep off unwanted pests. What happens to these chemicals? We are consuming them in the foods we eat. The impact of these chemicals on our finely tuned digestive systems must surely be detrimental.
As a result of excessive cropping coupled with the use of chemicals we have severely diminished the nutrient content in the soil and our subsequent food source. With the ever increasing demand for fast and easy to prepare foodstuffs, we are also consuming greater quantities of processed foods, thus further decreasing the nutrient content of what we eat. The best chance we have is to replace what is already lacking with a rich natural nutrient.
Taking multi-supplements could well disturb the finely-tuned balance of our bodies. Life Health Noni is the complete package, a 100% organic natural juice with no additives that improves the symptoms of so many ailments. Noni works to increase the health of the immune system so the body is better able to fight disease. But Noni also works on so many levels within the body, and both published research and traditional use show that Noni is effective for ailments as diverse as insomnia, inflammation, diabetes and cholesterol, to name but a few.
The bodies’ first indication that something is amiss is a lack of energy. It is impossible to be in good health if energy levels are low consistently and long term. As we take back control of the health of our body by providing healthy and nutritious food, regular exercise and sleep, adequate water consumption and a daily dose of Noni Juice, energy levels will increase, and good health and well-being must surely follow.

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